Collectors  Articles of interest to art quilt collectors

The Art of Collecting Art Quilts

History of the Art Quilt

Caring for your Collection 



 The Art of Collecting Art Quilts

The Hendricks Collection and Alegre Retreat (pdf file)
by Sandra Sider, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Fall 2012

The McMinn Collection of Contemporary Art (pdf file)
by Sandra Sider, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Fall 2011

Mary Anhaltzer and Her Life in Quilts (pdf file)
by Sandra Sider, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Spring 2011

Suggestions for Collectors
Adapted from Contemporary Quilt Art: An Introduction and Guide
by Kate Lenkowsky, PDF version This book is available from the SAQA Store

The First Quilt
by Lynne Davis, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Vol. 17, No. 3, Summer 2007

What Makes a Great Collection?  An interview with Cliff Einstein
by Barbara Isenberg, from Time Magazine (4/9/07).

Collector's Eye:  Art Quilts

Missy Sullivan, Editor
(PDF File), reprinted from The Forbes Collector, February 2005, vol. 3, no. 2
note: this is the complete issue; the article begins on the bottom of page 1 

Top 100 Collectors:  John M Walsh III
reprinted from Art & Antiques, March 2006 (PDF file)

Frequently Asked Questions:
Two Collectors Respond

Warren and Nancy Brakensiek, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Vol. 11, No. 4, Fall 2001

How I Became a Quilt Collector
by Necia Wallace, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Vol. 16, No. 3, Fall 2006  (PDF file)

John M. Walsh III:  Passionate Patron of the Art Quilt
by Robert Shaw, originally published in Quilter's Newsletter Magazine, January-February 2006

An Interview with Peter Brooks, Art Quilt Collector
by Linda MacDonald, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Vol. 12, No. 2, 2002

Opinion:  A Collector's View
by John M. Walsh, III, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter/Spring 2005

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A History of the Art Quilt
by Robert Shaw, reprinted from

FREE eBook - Brief History of the Art Quilt
by Robert Shaw, reprinted from SAQA Journal

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Caring for Your Collection: Conservation, Insurance, Appraisals, and Donations

Practicing Textile Conservation (pdf file)
by Mary Juillet-Paonessa, reprinted from the SAQA Journal, Summer 2010

Care and conservation
For information on art quilt care and other conservation issues, from the International Quilt Study Center.

Insuring Quilts
by Bill Lyle, (PDF file) reprinted from The Professional Quilter

The Art of Appraisals:
Everything You Wanted to Know about Getting Your Quilt Appraised
by Eileen Doughty, (PDF file) reprinted from The Professional Quilter

Leaving a Legacy: Donating Quilts to Museums
by Andi Reynolds


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