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Index of Quilts

  X-scape (CI-127)   •  Salli McQuaid view larger image

X-scape (CI-127)

Overwhelmed by life, I thought it would be great if there were an X-scape to which I could escape. I decided to create such a "scape." I assembled fabrics that to me represented escape.  To the mix I added dragons, a symbol of power. When finished I had created an X-scape to which one could escape. But the imagery wasn't enough. The place I had created needed a name so that people could find it. I texted the letters "X-skp" in digitally-created embroidered letters onto the quilt.

"X-scape" is predominantly a conceptual work of art. Its imagery combines symbolic, abstract and fantasy schools of contemporary art. Balance of color and objects is key to its success. The texted title is needed to understand the work.   

Original, digitally-designed embroidered lettering (note texture), cutting, piecing, crystal application, and decorator stitching; free-form long-arm and machine quilting   

24  x  60, Photo Credit: Mike McQuaid   

$ 1,025.00

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