Meet Your Representative -  Cindy Brendzel

I have been making art of one kind or another for as long as I can remember.  Early on I also learned the practical art of sewing, and as a teenager I was making most of my own clothes.  Once I entered the workforce though I had little time for either. Now 50 years later, retired and living in the Midwest I’m finally able to exercise my passion for both daily.  

About six years ago I began to focus on art quilting.  What I enjoy most is the many techniques available for creative expression, and the options to layer fabric, stitching, paint and embellishment to make something truly unique. Just over three years ago I moved from a New Jersey suburb of New York City to Kansas.  Living in the Midwest I find inspiration in the expansiveness and diversity of the environment. I love it.  

I am drawn to bold color choices and broad themes and often let the fabric determine my direction. Through Studio Art Quilt Associates, I have met many talented and generous artists willing to share their experience and I know I’ll have a lot of fun while learning from them.  

Lava Heat

Lava Heat 

© 2016 Cindy Brendzel
12" X 12"