Current Issue e.Bulletin 

SAQA e.Bulletin Table of Contents
March 2015


Susan Shie's "Head Trip" is part of Metaphors on Aging, being shown at the Original Sewing and Quilt Expo in Lakeland, Florida, March 5-7, 2015.


Martha Sielman head shot
Messages from Martha Sielman, SAQA's Executive Director: 


I am both thrilled and saddened to announce that Amanda Carestio is leaving her position as SAQA's Journal Editor to take a full-time job as senior editor for Sew News and Creative Machine Embroidery.  We wish her all the best!


Diane Howell has accepted our offer to become our new Journal Editor.  Diane is a long-time SAQA member from Chandler, Arizona.  For 14 years, she produced and juried "Art Quilts at the Chandler Center for the Arts".  Her current business, DH Presents, offers clients a variety of management and entertainment services, including writing and editing.  Diane has worked as managing editor for a variety of publications, as well as being a reporter and editor for the Arizona Business Gazette.   


Diane brings tremendous energy to the job, along with a broad vision for how the Journal can continue to grow and improve.  Please welcome Diane to her new role.  If you have ideas for future Journal articles, please check out the submission guidelines.



Congratulations to our new Juried Artist members:

  • Phyllis Cullen
  • Julia Graber
  • Judy Kirpich
  • Brigitte Kopp
  • Miki Rodriguez
  • Carol Trice
  • Marian Zielinski
The next round of applications will be reviewed in April. 


Featured Artist:
Fulvia Luciano

DeadlinesDeadlines & Dates

Spotlight Auction -- Deadline is March 20, 2015 

Two by Twenty -- Deadline for Entry is March 31, 2015

Benefit Auction Early Bird -- Deadline is April 1, 2015

SAQA Journal Gallery section: Health and Wholeness -- Deadline is May 1, 2015

Benefit Auction Final -- Deadline is June 1, 2015

Urban Textures Challenge -- Deadline is July 31, 2015

Concrete and Grasslands -- Deadline for Entry is September 30, 2015

Stories of Migration -- Deadline for Entry is October 31, 2015

SAQA Journal Gallery section: Something New -- Deadline is November 1, 2015


Donna Deaver - Reflection" (Redirecting the Ordinary at International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois) 




March 5-7, 2015 - Metaphors on Aging, Lakeland, Florida



March 12-14, 2015 - Metaphors on Aging, Atlanta, Georgia



March 26-28, 2015 - Celebrating Silver at International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois

March 26-28, 2015 - Redirecting the Ordinary at International Quilt Festival, Chicago, Illinois 



April-June, 2015 - Food for Thought, National Quilt Museum, Paducah, Kentucky


April 5-July 6, 2015 - Seasonal Palette, New England Quilt Museum, Lowell, Massachusetts
April 11, 2015 -- Opening and Gallery Walk with Martha Sielman, SAQA Executive Director



March 26-28, 2015 - Metaphors on Aging, Cleveland, Ohio
April 24-September 13, 2015 - Earth Stories, Kennedy Museum of Art, Athens, Ohio
Washington D.C.
May 11-October 19, 2015 - Radical Elements, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C.





WELCOME:  to our newest regional representative: Michelle Jones (Arkansas).


BIG THANK YOU to retiring representatives:  Cherrie Hampton (Oklahoma), Ada Niedenthal (Kansas), and Marlin Williams (California).


WELCOME to all our new members who joined in February:
Ellen Apte, Marsha Burns, Ann Caspermeyer, Liana Christlo, Jennifer Colley, Susan Colston, Deborah Dempsey, Lynne Douglas, Jean Downing, Susan Farr, Diane Ferguson, Nancy Fisher, Rose Green, Ann Hall, Deborah Haviland, Kathryn Infante, Lana Jackson, Sherrie Tyzzer Jewson, Georgia Koushiafes, Janet Kuester, Carol Lang, MaryAnne LeBlanc, Judy Levy, Mary Lewis, Heidi Lindsay, Maureen Lopes, Barbara Lussing, Monika Machon, Karolyn McChesney, Barbara Meilinger, Michele Obermeier, Susan Pollard, Libby Pruett, Deb Pufahl-Hughes, Cynthia Reynolds, Melissa Richmond, Maree Rogers, Deborah Runnels, Patricia Sandberg, Sherry Scott, Regina Shedd, Trudi Sommerfield, Bill Stearman, Betty Tatum, Shirley Tchou, Sharon Thomson, and Rita Warnock.
THANK YOU to everyone who made donations to SAQA in February:

Diana Chernofsky, Barbara Confer, Ree Fagan, Linda Friedman, Bethany Garner, Jane Haworth, Lesley Hurt, Ann Johnston, Lesley Knox, Ellie Kreneck, Francesca Lenville, Deon Lewis, Maryann Lincoln, Maureen Lopes, Shirley Neary, Charlotte Scott, Sherry Scott, Joan Sowada, Kate Stiassni, Connie Tiegel, Violet Vaughnes, and Christine Zoller.

We need YOUR art!
2015 Benefit Auction &
Fiberlandia Spotlight Auction

Two great ways to be Wild About SAQA and join the fun!

2015 Benefit Auction
Requested Donation size: 12" square
Auction Locations: Online & International Quilt Festival in Houston
  • April 1st (Early Bird to be eligible for all publicity images)
  • June 1st (FINAL deadline)

Full information: 



2015 Spotlight Auction

Requested Donation size: 6" x 8"

Auction Location: Fiberlandia conference in Portland, Oregon

Deadline: March 20, 2015 


Full information:  



All proceeds go to support SAQA exhibitions and programs.  Last year the Benefit Auction raised $55,475 and the Spotlight Auction raised $10,290, which together provided 12% of SAQA's budget.  Your donations and purchases sponsored the art quilt exhibitions seen by over a quarter million viewers!


Thank you for your support. 



FiberlandiaConferenceSAQA Symposium at Quilt National '15

Dairy Barn
SAQA Symposium at Quilt National '15

Date:  Saturday, May 23, 2015
Quilt National Opening weekend
Dairy Barn Center for the Arts
Athens, Ohio

Symposium registration includes:
  • Opening Night at Quilt National '15 on Friday evening
  • SAQA-sponsored breakfast followed by a Gallery Walk with the artists on Saturday morning
  • Panel discussion with the QN '15 jurors
  • Art Quilt Collection highlights from SAQA Board member Marvin Fletcher
  • QN '15 artists Q&A, moderated by Patricia Kennedy-Zafred -- Panelists will include Inge Hueber, Kathleen Loomis, Judith Plotner and Pam RuBert
  • And more!

MembershipDriveMembership Drive -- 2015 and Beyond!

THANK YOU to our Star Recruiters who have recruited 2 or more new members!

Lisa Walton (8 new members!), Julia Graber and Carole Staples (4 new members each!), Ali George, Judith Trager (3 new members each!), Judy Alexander, Maggi Birchenough, Martha Ginn, Julia Graber, Cherrie Hampton, Susan Brubaker Knapp, Ellen Lindner, Denise Oyama Miller, Judy Momenzadeh, Cheryl Olson, Karen Tunnell and Desi Vaughn (2 new members each!)

NEW thank-you gifts are available from our sponsors.  Let's keep the momentum going for the 2015 Membership Drive!  Please contact Martha Sielman to receive your special discount code for new members if you lecture or teach.

Thank you gifts for the 1st Quarter will include:
  Dharma Gift Certificate
  • Martelli Ergonomic Cutting Set
  • Havel's Scissors set
  • Dharma Trading gift certificate
  • Hand-dyed silks from Judith Content
  • Urban Textures fat quarters from Andover


25th Anniversary Trunk Show

The trunk shows are traveling!  Consult your regional rep to see if one will be coming to your region.   Trunk H will be traveling to Northern California through April 2015:

    Sarah Entsminger - The Garden in Fall   ***       Ruan Robertson - Fields           ***     Noriko Endo - Autumn Color

If your area would like to borrow a trunk show, please contact your regional representative to make arrangements.

Trunk Show Schedule:

Trunk A
Massachusetts and Rhode Island, November 2014 - January 2015
Hinsdale, Illinois, February-March 2015
Chicago, Illinois, March 26-28, 2015
Ocala, Florida, May 21, 2015
Ohio, June-December, 2015

Trunk B
Alabama/Arkansas/Mississippi/Louisiana, September - March 2015
Southern Indiana, April 2015
Liberty, New York, May 11, 2015

Trunk C
Colorado, Wyoming and Utah, December 2014-February 2015
Lindsay, California, April 2015
Virginia and North Carolina, May-September 2015
Pennsylvania, October-December 2015

Trunk D
Maryland, Washington D.C., and West Virginia, January 2015
Connecticut, May-August 2015
South Carolina and Georgia, September-December 2015

Trunk E
Virginia, January 25, 2015
Central Canada, February 2015-2016

Trunk F
Canada, through June 2015
Australia, July 2015-April 2016

Trunk G
Australia, through April 2015

Trunk H
Oregon, through January 2015
Northern California, February-April, 2015
Southern California and Southern Nevada, May-September 2015

New Virtual Exhibit on SAQA Website

DAMSS (Daniela Arnoldi & Marco Sarzi-Sartori) - "Dom de Milan"

This month's featured Gallery is  Sky Gazing

Guest Curator Jane Dunnewold writes, "It's a challenge to choose a topic when so many have curated so well. I chose Sky Gazing because it is a fond personal pastime. I was curious what sky images I would find among the posted art quilts. And I was pleased to discover images ranging from daylight to dusk and on into the night.  

"I am delighted to share a mix of wonderful realistic and figurative works, alongside pieces that are abstractly and creatively poetic. Sometimes the sky is front and center, the most important part of the composition. In other cases the artist's treatment of the sky makes the piece for me. I hope viewers will enjoy these pieces as much as I did."


List of selected artists: 
Ann Brauer
Melinda Bula
Joke Buursma
Sharon Collins
Lenore Crawford
Judy B. Dales
DAMSS (Daniela Arnoldi & Marco Sarzi-Sartori)
Jacque Davis
Sue Dennis
Deborah Fell
Floris Flam
Gunnel Hag
Laura Jaszkowski
Cathy Kleeman
Ellie Kreneck
Judy Langille
Tracey Lawko
Wen Redmond
Maya Schonenberger
Teri Springer
Elena Stokes
Laurie Swim
Kate Themel
Isabelle Wiessler 
If you would like to volunteer to be a Virtual Gallery curator, please contact Jennifer Solon.

ExhibitsCallforEntry SAQA Exhibition News:  Calls for Entries
**NOTE: SAQA exhibitions are open to ALL members, unless there is a geographical restriction

Additional information about these SAQA Calls for Entry can be accessed directly from 

Two by Twenty 
Open European Quilt Championships, Maastricht, Netherlands - October 2015 
Quilt Festival Berlin, Berlin, Germany - May 2016

Additional venues are contemplated and will be announced when finalized.  Work must be available to travel from August 1, 2015 through December 2017

Exhibit Concept 
Each of the twenty accepted artists will show two pieces that relate to each other in some way. This exhibition will feature SAQA artists whose work has not appeared in a SAQA exhibition which premiered in the past three years (this does not include regional exhibitions). A list of exhibitions is given online.  

There is no specific theme, but the submitted works must relate to each other in some way.  The submitted works can all relate to one another or be comprised of pairs of pieces.

Dr. Jacqueline M. Atkins 
Exhibition Coordinator: Helena Scheffer 
March 1, 2015: Online Entry Open 
March 31, 2015: Online Entry Deadline at 11:59 pm EST 

Concrete and Grassland

Premiere Venue: 
Grant's Pass Museum of Art, Grant's Pass, Oregon -- June 1-July 29, 2016 
Exhibition Concept
Concrete and Grasslands will explore the juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape.  This call for entry asks artists to submit works that explore either the soft lines of nature or the hard lines of urban structures -- or a combination of both.  This exhibit will focus on the contrasts of both color and line, and the ways in which the natural world has been altered.

Artists are invited to submit work that focuses either on a cityscape or landscape, rural or urban, or a combination in one piece.   The work may be representational or abstract; the places represented may be real or imagined.

Juror:  Susan Eileen Burnes, Curator of Exhibitions, Grant's Pass Museum of Art 
Online Entry: September 2015 

Stories of Migration: Contemporary Artists Interpret Diaspora

Premiere Location: Textile Museum, Washington, D.C. from mid March through late August 2016

Exhibition Concept: Housed in the new George Washington University Museum, The Textile Museum is hosting a juried exhibition in collaboration with SAQA. All works will reflect upon the theme of "Diaspora." Diaspora is the dispersion of a people from an established ancestral homeland. These communities remain simultaneously active in social, economic, cultural, or political processes in their country of origin and with compatriots worldwide.

In addition to presenting the pieces selected by jurors, the exhibition will feature social, cultural and historical commentary by faculty members of GW's acclaimed program in Diaspora Studies.

Jurors: Lee Talbot, Curator of Eastern Hemisphere Collections at The Textile Museum 
Rebecca A. T. Stevens is Consulting Curator, Contemporary Textiles at The Textile Museum

SAQA Administrator: Patty Kennedy-Zafred 
October 1-31, 2015: Online Entry open  
 Exhibits SAQA Exhibition News: 
Current All-SAQA Exhibitions


This is a listing of SAQA exhibition travel plans. The artists for these exhibitions have already been chosen.
Exhibitions are listed alphabetically

Exhibition Name: Balancing Act 
Throughout history, women have had to balance responsibilities to community, home and family while pursuing other interests, jobs or careers.  From those who helped farm the land to those who worked the factories during wartime, to those who stand shoulder to shoulder with men to pursue careers, and those who serve as caregivers; women have always had to juggle the various aspects of their lives.  
Jurors: Lynn Bassett, Sue Bleiweiss
Managing Curator: Cynthia St. Charles

Travel Venues:
1. International Quilt Festival
Houston, Texas
October 28 - November 1, 2015

2. International Quilt Festival
Chicago, Illinois
April 7-9, 2016

3. Quilt! Knit! Stitch! 
Portland, Oregon
August 2016


Exhibition Name: Celebrating Silver 
As part of SAQA's 25th Anniversary, we will be Celebrating Silver.  Silver is indispensable. From industrial use to decoration, technology, photography and medicine, its unique properties of strength, malleability, reflectivity and conductivity make it an irreplaceable force in the global market. In addition to its physical properties silver is recognized as a symbol of love, insurance and commitment for twenty-five years.  This exhibition is sponsored by Jennifer Day Thread Stories, Alegre Retreat, and Lisa Ellis in honor of Yvonne Porcella.
Juror: Yvonne Porcella 
Managing Curator: Nancy Bavor
Travel Venues:
2. International Quilt Festival
Chicago, Illinois
March 26-28, 2015 

3. Quilt! Knit! Stitch!
Portland, Oregon
August 13-15, 2015

4.  Festival of Quilts
Birmingham, England
August  2016

Exhibition Name: Earth Stories  
Exhibition Concept:
There are many stories of hope across the globe. Both individuals and small groups are working on projects that when added together make a positive impact on increasing the quality of life on this planet. Earth Stories will celebrate the stories of people or projects that enhance the planet, make a significant difference in restoring and/or protecting the environment, increase sustainability and otherwise improve the earth we all occupy.  

25 artists from around the world will be chosen to interpret a "story" of their choice. Each artist will feature a project or person of their choice; the views presented by the artist do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of SAQA or MSU, neither of which endorses any person, project or organization. 

Juror: Dr. Carolyn Mazloomi
Travel Venues:

2.  University of Central Missouri Gallery of Art & Design
Warrensburg, Missouri
January 15 - March 6, 2015


3.  Kennedy Museum of Art
Athens, OH
April 24-September 13, 2015


4.  San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles
San Jose, CA
November 6, 2015 - February 28, 2016


5.  Huntington Museum of Art
Huntington, WV
June 25 - October 2, 2016


6.  Erie Museum of Art
Erie, PA
January 20-June 11, 2017

Exhibition Name: Food for Thought
We eat every day, but how often do we really think about the food we eat?  Every culture has its celebrations, family meals, traditions that involve food.  Although these vary in different parts of the world, the impact of food is unmistakable.  Food nourishes and fuels our bodies; food traditions nurture our souls.

Alex Veronelli, Product Manager and PR Specialist, Aurifil Threads
Curator: Sarah Ann Smith   
Travel Venues:
1. National Quilt Museum
Paducah, Kentucky 
April - June 2015 

2. Festival of Quilts
Birmingham, UK
August 6-9, 2015

3.  The Knitting & Stitching Show
Alexandra Palace
London, UK
October 7-11, 2015

4.  The Knitting & Stitching Show
Dublin, Ireland
November 12-15, 2015

5.  The Knitting & Stitching Show
Harrogate, UK
November 26-29, 2015

Exhibition Name: Metaphors on Aging
There are a rare few of us who have not been affected in some way by the changes that occur with aging, be it ourselves, or the aging of our parents, loved ones or even our children. Here you have the opportunity to explore any of these passages that have touched your own life. Subjects can include aging, illness, death, the growth of our children, or the passage of time in general.
Catalog publication was made possible through the generosity of SAQA's members.

Juror: Pamela Allen 
Managing curator: Mary McBride (

Travel venues: 
Lakeland, Florida
March 5-7, 2015

Atlanta, Georgia
March 12-14, 2015

Cleveland, Ohio
March 26-28, 2015  

Schaumburg, Illinois
April 9-11, 2015  

Worcester, Massachusetts
April 16-18, 2015  

Raleigh, North Carolina
June 15-17, 2015

Exhibition Name: People and Portraits 
This exhibition celebrates the expressiveness of the human face. The diverse designs focus on a variety of both emotional states and the ways in which people interact: contemplation, joy, community, work and play.  Based on the companion book, Art Quilt Portfolio: People and Portraits, the exhibition shows two works by each of the book's 20 Featured Artists.
This exhibition is made possible through the generosity of AQS, Lark Crafts, and the National Quilt Museum.

Invitational curator:
Martha Sielman 
Managing curator: Pat Kumicich 

Travel Venues:
4. Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts at St. Bonaventure University
St. Bonaventure, NY
October 1-December 20, 2015

Exhibition Name: Radical Elements 
Our physical world is created out of the chemical elements, from hydrogen to platinum to arsenic. For this exhibit, each of the selected artists will create a new work that is influenced by an element from the periodic table. Inspirations can come from anything relating to that element, whether it is a play on the name, its color or the products made from it. Both representational and abstract works are welcomed.

As the second part of the Radical Elements theme, the artists will also be asked to move quilting beyond the usual materials of fabric and thread, exploring the function and decorative properties of different surfaces and stitching materials. This exhibit is the first to embrace the newly expanded definition of an art quilt and will be a signature exhibition for SAQA.  
This exhibition is sponsored by Jennifer Day Thread Stories, Alegre Retreat, and Lisa Ellis in honor of Yvonne Porcella.

Travel Venues:
2. National Academy of Sciences
Washington D.C.
May 18 - October 19, 2015


3. Ruth Funk Center for Textile Arts

Melbourne, Florida

May-August 2016



Exhibition Name: Redirecting the Ordinary
We live in an environment we take for granted. We often miss the essential and forget that we can make the routine so much more vibrant and interesting. Turning things around, upside down, inside out, backwards or maybe even just a minuscule course correction can charge up the humdrum, turn the common into the uncommon, and make the expected unexpected.

Juror: Alicia Merrett
Managing Curator: Gul Laporte

Travel Venues:
2. International Quilt Festival - Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
March 26-28,  2015

3. Quilt! Knit! Stitch!
Portland, Oregon
August 13-15, 2015

8. Carrefour Europeen du Patchwork
Alsace, France
September 16 - 19, 2015

9. Vincenza Festival
Vinceza, Italy
October 2015

Exhibition Name: Seasonal Palette 
 American Quilter's Society and Cedar Canyon Textiles are sponsors for this exhibition.  Lynne Harpst Koen sponsored the catalog.

Seasonal Palette
is a series of 37 art quilts depicting the seasons of the year.
Co-curators and Jurors: Vicki Mangum and Kathleen McCabe   

Travel Venues:

7. New England Quilt Museum
Lowell, Massachusetts
April 5 - July 26, 2015
10. Taiwan International Quilt Exhibition 2016
Tainan City, Taiwan
April 20 - May 29, 2016

11.  J. Wayne Stark Galleries at Texas A&M University 
College Station, Texas
August 6 - October 4, 2015

  Text Messages catalog  

Exhibition Name: Text Messages 
Text messages have fast become one of the most popular methods of communication in our country today. In this exhibit, you have free rein to explore the many facets of what 'text messages' means to you--from the obvious connection to modern technology to works comprised solely of actual or implied writing. The unifying theme will be text on quilts, in any language, and each quilt must contain at least one visible letter or word.
The catalog for the exhibition was made possible through the generosity of SAQA's members. 
Juror: Lesley Riley 
Managing curator: Georgianne (Gigi) Kandler 
Travel Venues: 
5. Morris Museum
Morristown, New Jersey
November 14, 2015 - March 20, 2016

Exhibition Name: Wild Fabrications  Wild Fabrications celebrates a world of animals both real and fantastical.  Let your imagination run wild as you create interesting and unusual interpretations of animals using unexpected or unconventional materials and adornment, and/or unusual techniques.   
Juror: Geoffrey Gorman
Managing coordinator: Jennifer Day
Travel Venues:
1. International Quilt Festival
Houston, Texas
October 28-November 1, 2015

2. International Quilt Festival
Chicago, Illinois
April 7-9, 2016

3. Quilt! Knit! Stitch! 
Portland, Oregon
August 2016  
Upcoming Regional Exhibitions
(Listed chronologically by opening dates - contact the regional reps for more information)

Full information about these exhibitions and the venues at which they can be seen is on the website under Artwork > SAQA Exhibitions > Regional.
Oregon -- Oregon:  State of Diversity
through March 2015

Ohio -- Diversity in Music
through April 15, 2015

Nebraska -- Architexture
through November 30, 2016
Georgia -- A Color Runs Through It
March 2015

Northern California and Nevada -- That's a Quilt?!
March 20 - 21, 2015
Oregon -- Exploring Layers
April 2015

New Mexico -- Cultural Red
April 8 - August 17, 2015
Colorado -- A Color Runs Through It
May 2015
Kansas/Missouri/Oklahoma -- Midwest Metaphors
May 1 - 27, 2015
Florida/Virginia/North Carolina/South Carolina/Georgia/Kentucky/Tennessee/Mississippi/Louisiana/Alabama/Arkansas - Southern Accents
May 16 - August 22, 2015
Massachusetts/Rhode Island/Connectiut -- Art as Quilt
June 26, 2015 - January 17, 2016
Oregon -- Blending Poetry and Cloth
August 22, 2015 - August 22, 2016
Brazil -- I Remember
August 27 - 30, 2015 
Pennsylvania -- A Color Runs Through It
September 2015
Southern California and Nevada -- Oasis
October 2015

YahooList SAQA Groups
Yahoo Discussion Group 
As a member of Studio Art Quilt Association, you are invited to join an email discussion group hosted on This group is only for SAQA members, and is private to the outside world. You can join by requesting membership at:
PLEASE include your full name in your request. 

The Visioning Project revolves around visualizing goals and dreams - and making them happen. The Visioning Project members are wonderful in helping each other with support, networking, and resource information. If you are interested in joining, please contact Suzan Engler. 

The SAQArtique group is open to all SAQA members.  The critiques are all in the spirit of a shared interest in quilting as an art form and improvement of each person's talents.  If you are interested in joining, please contact Martha Ginn.

Journal Journals

If you would prefer to ONLY read the Journal online, you can indicate your preference by checking off the Online Journal Only box in your Member Profile. 

Upcoming Journal Gallery Page Themes and Deadlines: 
  • Health and Wholeness - May 1, 2015
  • Something New - November 1, 2015
  • Landscape - February 1, 2016
  • Adventure - May 1, 2016
  • Colors of Fall - August 1, 2016
We can accept digital photos only. Images will be chosen on the basis of artistic merit as well as photo quality. To improve your chances of being selected, send only your best photos and use the same considerations you would for entering a juried show, which means sharp focus, even lighting, no extraneous hands or feet or garage doors showing in the photo, etc.
All edges of the quilt must be visible; do not crop into the edges of the quilt.
Send a digital image with a resolution of no less than 1800 pixels on the longest side, in jpeg format. Label the file with your last name followed by partial title (example: smith_dreamingtrees.jpg). In the body of the e-mail, Include caption information consisting of your name, size in inches, year created, your web site URL (if applicable), and a very brief statement describing something interesting about the work, perhaps your inspiration or your process. Send your images to (This address will be used ONLY for the image gallery.)
NOTE: due to the large number of submissions received, an individual response to each submission is not possible.
Call for Entries:
Taiwan International Quilt Exhibition 2016 Prospectus  Taiwan Art Quilt Society (TAQS) organizes artistic and educational international art quilt exhibitions. We focus on global issues and highlight the creation of quilting, which are not only the interpretation of techniques but also the contemporary artistic merit of environmental care and the spirit of humanities.

Theme: Protect the Earth's Environment
Venue: National Tainan Living Art Center, Tainan City, Taiwan
Date: April 30 - May 29, 2016
DEADLINE for Entries: November 1, 2015   


--Martha Sielman (
Executive Director
Studio Art Quilt Associates, Inc.
P. O. Box 572   Storrs, CT 06268

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Join Our Mailing List

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