* Concrete & Grassland

Art by: jo p griffith, Aurelle S. Locke, Kathy York, Carolyn Villars, and Janis L. Doucette
Concrete and Grassland

 View ListingView the QuiltsPurchase Catalog 

Concrete & Grassland is a joint collaboration between SAQA and the Grants Pass Museum of Art.

Concrete & Grassland explores the juxtaposition of the natural landscape and the human constructed cityscape. This call for entry asked artists to submit works that explore either the soft lines of nature or the hard lines of urban structures—or a combination of both. This exhibition focuses on the contrasts of both color and line, and the ways in which the natural world has been altered.

Juror:  Susan Eileen Burnes, Curator of Exhibitions at the Grants Pass Museum of Art

Susan Eileen Burnes has been a professional artist working with fiber for 23 years and her artworks have been featured in exhibitions, art galleries and collections in eight states as well as Europe. She is curator of exhibitions at Grants Pass Museum of Art and has served as President of the Board of Directors at the museum for several years.

Co-curators: Georgia French (Museum liaison) and Diane Born (artist coordinator)

Grants Pass Museum of Art in Grant’s Pass, Oregon: June 1 - July 29, 2016
9th Asia Quilt Festival, Shanghai, China: September 22 - 24, 2017
The Spring Knitting & Stitching Show, London, UK: March 1- 4, 2018
Festival of Quilts in Birmingham, UK: August 9 -12, 2018
Knitting & Stitching Show, Alexandra Palace, London, UK: October 11-14, 2018
Knitting & Stitching Show: Harrogate, UK: November 22-25, 2018


Please contact us with any inquiries about this exhibition or artwork. 

More Information

View ListingView the QuiltsPurchase Catalog

Exhibition Catalog available for purchase
Concrete & Grassland offers beauty, reverence, and contemplation. Exploring this catalog for themes and variation, comparison and contrast, for color, design, and concept, will undoubtedly enrich and inspire readers, whether one appreciates the bustle of the city or prefers the calm of nature.

This catalog includes full-color images of beautiful artwork, a foreward by Kristin La Flamme (SAQA Education Committee) and essay from Juror Susan Eileen Burnes, curator of exhibitions at Grants Pass Museum of Art.

SAQA ‘Concrete & Grassland’ exhibition at The Knitting & Stitching Show


Thank you to Diane Born and Denise Oyama Miller for sharing their images of the exhibition