SAQA Showcase 

SAQA Showcase is an impressive contemporary quilt exhibition, a result of a collaboration between SAQA and the IQSC.  The exhibition was juried by Judith Content and Carolyn Ducey, the six artists chosen from about 40 who submitted work.

The six featured artists, each of whom have several pieces in the exhibit, were chosen for their unique vision, but the jurors also chose artists whose work seemed to speak to each other -- for example, Michael Cummings and Susan Shie — he depicting a young Barack Obama and she depicting Michelle Obama.

“What was really impressive to me is these artists are redefining what we consider a quilt,” said Carolyn Ducey, IQSC’s curator of collections. “They’re using such different techniques, but they’re maintaining the integrity of the layered piece.”

SAQA Showcase will be on display at the International Quilt Study Center at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln from August 3, 2012 - February 24, 2013.

Jurors: Judith Content and Carolyn Ducey
Managing Curator:  Leni Levenson Wiener


Click on each image for a larger view

Susan Shie
First Lady
93 x 83" 

Susan Shie - First Lady

Susan Shie
         Kat Soup
86 x 87"

Susan Shie - Kat Soup
Michael Cummings
         Slave Ship Henriette Marie
120 x 156"
Michael Cummings - Slave Ship Henriette Marie
Michael Cummings
         Escaping Slave Ship
90 x 67"
Michael Cummings - Escaping Slave Ship
Michael Cummings
                  A Young Obama
78 x 60"
Michael Cummings - Young Obama
Deidre Adams
         Facade I
38 x 62"
Deirdre Adams - Facade I
Deidre Adams
         Facade IV: Chrome Oxide
39 x 62"
Deirdre Adams - Facade IV
Deidre Adams
        Facade V
39 x 66"
Deirdre Adams - Facade V
Deidre Adams
         Facade VIII
40 x 67"
Deirdre Adams - Facade VIII
Gay E. Lasher
         Abstraction I
35 x 46"
Gay E. Lasher - Abstraction I
Gay E. Lasher
         Abstraction III
38 x 33"
Gay E. Lasher - Abstraction III
Gay E. Lasher
          Abstraction IV
46 x 33"
Gay E. Lasher - Abstraction IV
Jan Myers-Newbury
49 x 72"
Jan Myers-Newbury - Wildfire
Jan Myers-Newbury
57 x 68"
Jan Myers-Newbury - Carnival
Wen Redmond
                  Mind Wanderings
27 x 41"
Wen Redmond  -  Mind Wanderings
Wen Redmond
         Chasing Winter Shadows
29 x 56"
Wen Redmond  -  Chasing Winter Shadows
Wen Redmond
         Swamp Edge
23 x 38"
Wen Redmond  -  Swamp Edge
Wen Redmond
30 x 40"
Wen Redmond  -  Flown