Dancing to a Different Drummer

Guest Curator - Melinda Rushing

Motion is a key concept in design. By combining elements that make the eye move over the work, an artist can convey motion. I find that if a quilt has motion, it holds my attention. That motion might range from slow and contemplative to frenetic and desperate, or somewhere in between.  I hope my selections do the same for you.

List of selected artists and works

Tuning Fork #25: Magnetic Attraction
Heather Pregger

Chasing a Dream
Susan Else

Got to go Dance
Deborah Kuster

Play of Lines XXIX
Uta Lenk

Avant Jazz
Jennifer Conrad

Fresh Salsa
Diane Melms

Marcia DeCamp

Grand Canyon - Wish You Were Hair
Pam RuBert

Cosmic Collisions
Katie Pasquini Masopust

Les Folies Bergère
Rose Rushbrooke

Fault Line
Kris Sazaki of Pixeladies

Strands of IF
Hilary Rice

Medea Escaping
Marilyn Belford

Katie Pasquini Masopust

Fascinatin' Rhythm
Susan McCraw

Spirals of Thoughts
Hsin-Chen Lin

Live Water
Susan Leslie Lumsden

Les Folies Bergère

Rose Rushbrooke
Les Folies Bergère
This piece was begun several years before it was finished. It is entirely hand pieced, hand embellished and quilted. The centrepiece is made from furrowed hand dyed silk stitched down with glass beads and perle cotton. An intensely feminine and voluptuous piece. Everything is curved, including the edge. The colouring is soft and pastel - the centre is fluttery and frilly, reminiscent of the image Edouard Manet painted of Suzon at the Folies Bergère in Paris. The centrepiece is echoed by little scattered tufts of thread, like inappropriate bursts of hair on the body. Techniques used in this piece: curved pieces are seamed together by hand; hand dyed silk fabric is furrowed by stitching down with glass beads and floss; the little tufts are created with tied embroidery floss; the piece is quilted entirely by hand.

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